The End of the Trail

Although this blog, like all of our blogs, will be available on the Web indefinitely, this is the last post.  We’ve come to the end of another journey and we’re so glad you decided to join us.  We had a wonderful trip and we hope you enjoyed our photos and a little commentary along the way.  We enjoyed having you along and appreciated your comments and feedback.

Until next time – au revoir!

One thought on “The End of the Trail

  1. Carol

    “the end of the trail”……how sad….but thank goodness you documented, recorded, and photographed almost every step of the journey…….and we can tour it all over again anytime we want via your blog……merci beaucoup joyce!

    europe would not be complete without their street musicians!….they were everywhere in germany too……we loved listening to them……and how wonderful that you recorded them….they were all very good…..i’ve never seen anyone play the guitar with it laying on their lap!….that’s talent!

    concerning the hidden garden……”la valley suisse” would be the more appropriate name because the other name is confusing….”the garden of the new france”….maybe i’m not understanding the language correctly but that’s what i get out of it…..but like i’ve said before, i’m not french so what do i know…..whatever the name, it’s a very seclusive and beautiful garden….i love the stone steps and the waterfall…

    and your hotel dining room was interesting with its stone walls and floors and i like the rope hand rail……all of the hotels that you guys stayed in were fantastic….chuck did a GREAT job selecting them!….looking forward to the next adventure!

    au revoir


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